The Search for a Bridge Over the Reality Gap: Effects of interleaving interval duration and quantity

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In Evolutionary Robotics, simulators are used to speed up the lengthy process of evolving control structures for real world robots. The downside of this approach is that control structures evolved solely in simulation tend to perform not as good in the real world as they did in the simulation. This drop in performance has come to be known as the `reality gap'. Interleaving simulation with real world in the evolutionary process is a newly proposed method which might help to bridge this gap, but it lacks solid empirical proof. In this study, a systematical experiment was done in which the same proportion of generations was di ered in the amount of interleavement over three conditions. Interleaving was found to have no signi cant e ect on the nal tness values of the control structures. However, the amount of consecutive real world generations was found to have a positive e ect on the nal tness. Unfortunately, it is hard to reach de nite conclusions because of time constraints involved with a Bachelor's Thesis and the stochasticity of the evolutionary algorithm.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen