Exploring the barriers and opportunities of applying the concept of the wellbeing economy to the asset management of infrastructure organisations in the Netherlands
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This research examines the barriers and opportunities associated with the policy-making and implementation of the wellbeing economy concept in the asset management of Rijkswaterstaat. The four dimensions of the Policy Arrangement Approach are used to identify and categorise these barriers and opportunities. Qualitative research methods were used to explore this topic.
The results show multiple barriers to policy implementation of the wellbeing economy concept. Currently, Rijkswaterstaat's decision-making tools hardly take into account wellbeing economy indicators. A major barrier is the intersection of limited resources and political constraints, which make it difficult to allocate resources and set policy priorities. Indicators face related barriers such as data availability, measurability, comparability and the use of complex language.
Nevertheless, opportunities are identified. These include fostering intrinsic motivation, exploiting policy windows created by shock events, and prioritising wellbeing economy principles through a top-down approach. To measure and express wellbeing economy indicators, it is recommended to use quantitative and monetary terms, to overcome language barriers and to promote comparability through standardised methods.
The barriers and opportunities identified provide valuable insights and recommendations for policymakers and researchers seeking to promote and integrate the concept of a wellbeing economy into the asset management of infrastructure organisations.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen