The Dutch migration and asylum policy. A case study about asylum centre Ter Apel

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The increased influx of migrants in 2022 and 2023 has caused deficiencies to surface in the migration policies of the Netherlands and the European Union. Among others, these deficiencies were visible in the asylum centre Ter Apel. Here, asylum seekers had to sleep outside and because the basic human needs of these people were not fulfilled, many of them have caught scabies or other skin infections. This research aims to pinpoint the weak parts of the EU-Dutch asylum and migration policy to see where the policy needs improvement. Hence, the main research question is as follows: What is the Dutch migration and asylum policy comprised of, and how is it currently implemented in the Netherlands as seen through the case of Ter Apel? Although the Dutch government collaborates with municipalities, other EU Member States and organisations of the European Union, the Netherlands was not adequately ready for the large influx of migrants in 2022 and 2023. In the asylum centre Ter Apel, basic human needs could not be provided by the government. Further research should be needed to look for potential solutions for these deficiencies. The migration and asylum policy affects people directly, so it needs to be humane and meet the standards of basic human needs.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen