Social bias in spatial perception: Stochastic Continuous Time Recurrent Neural Network interpretation of a central tendency study
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Human perception is perfect in its adaptability and yet so unreliable in how much
it gets altered depending on the situation. We make di erent judgements about the
world depending on our experience, the context of the current task, and whether we
are alone or surrounded by people. In a recent study Mazzola et al. (2020) asked
adults to estimate the lengths of the same set of stimuli in three conditions. In the
rst condition, participants had to reproduce lengths of the presented lines on a tablet
touch screen. In the second condition, the lengths to reproduce were pointed towards
by a robot. In the last condition, the robot not only was showing the stimuli but also
behaving in a human-like way: making eye contact, talking, gesticulating. Although
the stimuli and the task were the same, the participants were more accurate in the
human-like robot condition than in the mechanical robot condition, and generalised
towards the mean length of the stimuli the most in the individual tablet condition. This
phenomenon can be explained through the theory of Bayesian perception: every time we
are about to make a decision about the world we combine our prior experience with the
incoming sensory information in a near-optimal way. Depending on the situation and
our sensory capabilities the prior information and the direct input weigh more or less in
this inference. The hypothesis of Mazzola et al. (2020)'s study is that when interacting
with a human (or a more human-like robot) we value our prior experience less than in
the individual condition. In order to test this hypothesis and receive insights about the
potential di erences between conditions, in this thesis, we trained an arti cial neural
network to reproduce Mazzola et al. (2020)'s data. The internal representations of the
network did not clearly separate between di erent conditions but when strengthening
the network's prior reliance the inter-participant variability increased. This suggests
the higher variability between participants from populations with hypothesised stronger
prior reliance than in neuro-typical adults - such as younger children and people with
schizophrenia. We also demonstrate that the di erences between conditions can be
indeed explained by the prior reliance by reproducing the human performance with a
network trained on one condition at a time and modifying its prior parameter.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen