Multiple Paths To A National Action Plan
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In 2000, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1325. This resolution was seen as revolutionary as it recognised for the first time that women and girls play a different role in conflict situations than men, and called for a gender sensitive approach to conflict and peacekeeping. States were urged by the Secretary-General of the UN to implement UNSCR 1325 into national policy. Eleven years later, Ireland adopted a National Action Plan for the implementation of the resolution. Some countries have adopted a National Action Plan, even though you would not expect them to, and other countries that you would expect to adopt a National Action Plan have not done so. This begs the question: Why does a country adopt a National Action Plan for United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325? This question will be answered in this thesis, which uses two theories, the constructivist based spiral model, and the rational regime theory, to look into potential causes of Ireland’s norm compliance. In a case study on the basis of process tracing, this research reconstructs a causal path into Ireland’s norm compliance. Two factors that come out as predominantly contributing to norm compliance are the presence and pressure of civil society actors, in particular NGOs, and the importance of reputation and credibility.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen