Understanding neighbourhood perceptions of commuters to Culemborg’s train station in order to encourage active living

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Citizens of the Netherlands are becoming increasingly reliant on non-active modes of transport. This trend has a negative effect on the physical health of the population, as a lack of movement increases risk of earlier mortality. Previous research has found that people’s transport mode choice is influenced by personal characteristics, but also their social and built environment. The aim within this thesis is to gain insight into how the social and built environment influences the way citizens of Culemborg commute to their local train station. Go-along interviews are applied in which the researcher comes along with participants on their regular commute to the Culemborg train station, while they discuss dissatisfactions with the environment. These interviews and the redevelopment plans are analysed to see whether current experiences from inhabitants of Culemborg are considered in the redesign of the neighbourhood and train station. Results show that for the participants’ personal characteristics are a key motivator for active transport mode choice. Enjoyment of cycling, proximity to the station and health benefits, among others, were strong motivators to travel to the train station using active modes of transportation.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen