Queering in Nation Branding: A case study of the use of queering in the nation branding strategy of the Netherlands during the Eurovision Song Contest 2021

dc.contributor.advisorJoachim, Jutta
dc.contributor.authorSmit, Mariska
dc.description.abstractThis thesis researched if and how queering is used in nation branding strategies during the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC). The theory shows that, despite the large body of literature on nation branding, the queering aspect has received little attention. Queer politics in nation branding strategies have the power to reinforce or deconstruct the heteronormative framework. This thesis investigated how the Netherlands used queering in its nation branding strategy during the Eurovision Song Contest using Qualitative Content Analysis and Discourse Analysis. The study demonstrates that the organization committee of the Netherlands employs sources such as the theme, logo, hosts and interval acts for its nation branding strategy. Moreover, it shows that all these elements also contain queer aspects. Finally, it will be argued that including several queer individuals and challenging heteronormative binaries such as male-female in the Netherlands’ nation branding strategy during the Eurovision Song Contest can be labeled as homonationalism and can deconstruct the heteronormative framework. Keywords: Nation Branding, Queering, Eurovision Song Contest, The Netherlands, LGBTQ+, Popular Culture, LGBTQ+ Politicsen_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationInternational Relationsen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeMaster Political Scienceen_US
dc.titleQueering in Nation Branding: A case study of the use of queering in the nation branding strategy of the Netherlands during the Eurovision Song Contest 2021en_US
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