The Renewable Energy Directive at a provincial level. A case study on the provinces Groningen, Overijssel and Utrecht

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The European Renewable Energy directive describes it is necessary to control the European energy consumption and stimulate a more frequent use of renewable energy, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and comply with the Kyoto Protocol. To reach these goals every EU Member State was required to formulate its own national policy (Oliver, 2013). These policies aim to achieve the individual targets set for each Member State regarding the percentage of energy originating from renewable energy sources. In the case of the Netherlands, the Energy directive determined that 14% of the gross final energy consumption needs to come from renewable energy sources by the year 2020 (Statistics Netherlands, 2010). In order to reach this target, the Dutch government involved cities, municipalities and provinces in reaching the 14% goal through agreements and consultations. The main goal of the research is to provide an insight into what extent the Renewable Energy Directive goals are represented in policy at a provincial level and to what extent provinces differ among each other. In order to research this the following question was formulated: β€˜β€™To what extent are the European Renewable Energy Directive goals represented in policy at the provincial level and how can differences with regard to the extent of EU goal representation between provinces be explained? ’’
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen