Bridging the gap of social integration policies for ref-ugees and migrants seeking asylum in Europe – The Greens/EFA approach

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The refugee crisis has brought to light the urge for a system change toward a more cosmopolitan and inclusive European Union. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has been forcing the European societies to speed up the procedures of integrating refugees and migrants, especially in Greece, where the insufficient measures have provoked the emergence of violent conflicts. This research paper is seeking to understand the impact of the current policies and practices, at national and European level, and to bring forth a new perspective by referring to the Greens/EFA political group in the European Parliament. The research data was collected by interviews with policy makers and NGO representatives, and by a survey questionnaire to refugees and migrants who are residing in Greece. The findings show, that the inclusion of asylum seekers in the designing processes of their social integration plays a pivotal role, and that the Greek State needs to formulate a long-term strategy for the integration of these groups into the socio-economic life of the country. At the same time, the European leaders must agree on the establishment of mechanisms that are respectful to humanitarian values, and that ensure the fair distribution of responsibilities to all European Member States.
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