The effect of nature conservation laws on approval and construction time of housing in the Netherlands

dc.contributor.advisorPloegmakers, Huub
dc.contributor.advisorMeijerink, Sander
dc.contributor.authorWillemsen, Stijn
dc.description.abstractThe Netherlands faces a housing crisis. There is a housing shortage and new construction is undergoing delays. Reasons for the delay in scientific literature are mainly attributed to the amount of restrictive land-use regulations. In Dutch policy debate, it is often argued that, especially, projects close to Natura 2000 areas suffer from nature conservation regulation. In the Dutch context, for the last six years, nitrogen has played a significant role in the debate on nature conservation. This research aims to investigate whether nature conservation regulations cause a lengthier procedure in the approval and construction of plans. This led to the main question, “To what extent do nature conservation laws contribute to a delay in the permitting and construction process in the Netherlands?” The most important variables are plans before and after the introduction of regulation and their level of exposure to nitrogen. Quantitative analyses of data is done to test assumptions and the significance of data. Keywords: delay in new construction, nitrogen, land-use regulations, Natura 2000, nature conservation, permitting
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappen
dc.thesis.specialisationspecialisations::Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen::Master Spatial Planning::Planning, Land and Real Estate Development
dc.thesis.studyprogrammestudyprogrammes::Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen::Master Spatial Planning
dc.titleThe effect of nature conservation laws on approval and construction time of housing in the Netherlands
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