Higher positive appraisal style is associated with fluctuations in negative affect within participants

dc.contributor.advisorBögemann, Sophie
dc.contributor.advisorHermans, Erno
dc.contributor.authorHermsen, Emma
dc.description.abstractPrevious research revealed several protective factors of mental health, so-called resilience factors (Veer et al., 2021; Southwick, Vythilingam & Charney, 2005). One in particular has had a lot of attention in the past few years, the emotion regulation strategy positive appraisal style (PAS). PAS thought to play a key role in maintaining mental health in times of adversity (Kalisch, Müller & Tüscher, 2015). It is found that PAS is related to affect. However, the exact relationship is unclear, as is whether this relationship exists both within-participants and between-participants. The present study addressed this gap using linear mixed modeling. 42 students participated in a longitudinal daily life study and answered a biweekly PAS questionnaire and reported on daily life negative affect (NA), positive affect (PA), and event pleasantness for six weeks spread over six months. The affect measures were used to calculate affect mean, variability and reactivity. Results showed that participants experienced more fluctuations of NA in weeks they used more PAS. And that participants with higher average NA used more PAS, although this finding did not withstand outlier removal. No associations were found for PA mean, PA variability, and reactivity. This suggests that the association between PAS and affect rely on different processes. These findings highlight that the association between PAS and affect is more complicated than anticipated, and this is important to consider in future research. Keywords: positive appraisal style, resilience, resilience factors, daily life affect, negative affect variability
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
dc.thesis.specialisationspecialisations::Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen::Researchmaster Cognitive Neuroscience::Researchmaster Cognitive Neuroscience
dc.thesis.studyprogrammestudyprogrammes::Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen::Researchmaster Cognitive Neuroscience
dc.titleHigher positive appraisal style is associated with fluctuations in negative affect within participants
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