Nature-based tourism in the Biesbosch: A Policy Arrangement Analysis

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Europe’s biodiversity is declining. One of the factors that are causing this is leisure and tourism activities. Tourism has been an causing numerous problems for the environment of natural areas including land degradation, biodiversity loss and natural resources exploitation. To minimize the negative effects of tourism, sustainable tourism is necessary. Nature-based tourism (NBT) is a form of sustainable tourism that applies to the natural attraction of areas. This research aims on exploring the drivers for nature-based tourism policies in the Netherlands to get a better understanding of what factors could stimulate NBT. This research is a case-study on National Park the Biesbosch, a Natura 2000 area in the Netherlands. A policy arrangement approach (PAA) is used to analyse the different aspect of NBT policies. This is done through the four dimensions of the PAA, actors, rules, resources and discourses. For the data collection interviews were held with relevant stakeholders. The results show that in the actors dimension a shift to a different network collaboration has been an important driver as well as the (lack of) financial resources. Drivers in the rules dimension for NBT are limited but there is a strong prevalent discourse on sustainability.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen