Comparison of Resampling Techniques for Covariance Matrices Derived From Small Datasets With Shrinkage Regularization for Event-Related Potential Data

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Since electroencephalogram data in the eld of brain-computer interfacing often has a poor signal-to-noise ratio, covariance matrix estimations for methods such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA) can become imprecise. Therefore it can be bene cial to improve these covariance matrix estimations such that further processing of the data becomes more accurate. This can be done with a number of techniques like Ledoit-Wolf shrinkage regularization. I propose in this thesis that covariance matrices might also be improved by means of resampling the data to nd better estimations. I compare one resampled LDA pipeline implemented with di erent hyper parameter settings against a simple shrinkage regularized LDA pipeline. However, running these pipelines on two event-related potential datasets revealed that the resampling techniques do not signi cantly improve the performance of the LDA over the simple shrinkage regularized LDA and that compared to the shrinkage regularized LDA the resampled LDA has a worsened run time. In the large dataset, the performance of the resampled LDA became significantly worse from the shrinkage regularized LDA. Given these results, the resampling techniques thus do not improve the covariance in the way it was implemented in this thesis.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen