Market-conscious Dutchies : Transplanting a Canadian financial incentive to the Netherlands
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Nowadays many municipalities play a more passive, ‘facilitating’ role in land development, and
they rely mainly on public law instruments such as the land use plan and building permits. Where
municipalities previously had nearly everything under their own control, they now find themselves
obliged to cooperate with private developers. Due to lower demand and shortages in land
development costs, municipalities were more or less forced to switch to ‘Area development 2.0’.
With this new way of land development, it is no longer about involving citizens but about giving
space and connecting societal initiatives.
Due to the economic crisis, the Dutch public land development model started to show
shortcomings. There is a need for effective and smart development strategies that help to take away
present obstacles to real estate development and invite the private sector to invest again in urban
transformation and renewal. The Canadian TIEG system could be an interesting mechanism for the
Netherlands. This different approach to funding brownfield regeneration projects will be analyzed to
see what effects this system has and if such an approach would be a solution for the problems the
Dutch government faces. The goal of this research is therefore the following:
“To explore a different kind of approach to the funding of brownfield regeneration projects,
namely the Canadian Tax Increment Equivalent Grants, to investigate if such an approach is
applicable in the Netherlands and if it could solve the Dutch problems to fund regeneration
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