A global roundabout. Entangled im/mobilities of ir/regular labour migrants and agricultural products in Almeria's greenhouse production
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In contemporary global value chains, flows of mobilities of people and
products continuously criss-cross one other. Engaging with the ‘mobilities
turn’ and networked conceptualisations of value chains, this research
empirically unpacks the entanglements of im/mobilities of ir/regular labour
migrants and agricultural products in Almería’s (Spain) agricultural
industry. In doing so, it emphasises how interdependent im/mobilities in
globalised production are shaped by regulatory infrastructures of control
and in/formal migration industries. This tension field between mobilityfacilitation
and obstruction results in a constant dialectic between regimes
of control and the autonomy of migration. To gain empirical insights into
individual experiences of above-mentioned macrostructures, I have
conducted qualitative research among various actors involved in Almería's
agricultural industry. I link up the empirical findings and theoretical debates
on im/mobilities, value chains, ir/regularity and autonomy of migration in
the conceptual model the ‘global roundabout.’ This analysis detects three
layers of entanglement between labour and mobility in Almería’s
capitalised global production. I conclude that the three-layered
entanglement excavates the intrinsic relation between capitalism and
extractivism and thus the coloniality of Almería’s capitalist value chain. This
study therefore shows how an analytical focus on entanglements can
deepen our understanding of the configurations and driving forces of
global im/mobilities in postcolonial capitalism.
Keywords: Im/mobilities, value chains, entanglements, ir/regularity,
autonomy of migration, postcolonial capitalism, agricultural labour
mobility, migration industries, social navigation
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen