Brand placement disclosure effects on brand evaluation, moderated by the level of self-control.

dc.contributor.advisorJanssen, L.
dc.contributor.advisorBatenburg, A.E.
dc.contributor.authorUlft, C.A.F. van
dc.description.abstractA brand placement is the inclusion of a branded product into a movie or series, and this has been practiced for many decades. That’s why multiple aspects of brand placements have been examined. This study investigates to what extent self-control moderates the effect of a brand placement disclosure on brand evaluation. A disclosure is a warning that informs viewers about the presence of a brand placement. Previous studies found mixed results of the effects of disclosures on brand attitude: they either found negative attitudes, or no effects. In total, 142 people participated in a between-subject experiment in which they watched a movie fragment that included a brand placement, either with or without a disclosure. Viewers need a level of self-control in order to resist a persuasive attempt. Therefore, it was hypothesised that, when the viewer has a high level of self-control, he/she will express more negative brand evaluations after exposure to a disclosure. The second hypothesis was: when the viewer has a low level of self-control, he/she will express no more or less positive brand evaluations after exposure to a disclosure. Findings indicated that self-control did not moderate brand placement disclosure effects on brand evaluation. However, self-control did moderate brand placement disclosure effects on purchase intention. More research should be conducted in order to see what the impact is of amount of self-control of a person on the effects of disclosures. Also, more research should find out why mixed results of disclosures on brand attitude were found.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Letterenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationBachelor Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeBachelor Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappenen_US
dc.titleBrand placement disclosure effects on brand evaluation, moderated by the level of self-control.en_US
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