Living within the boundaries. Empirical research on the accessibility and attractiveness to mitigate climate change through sustainable living

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Climate Change Mitigation has been targeted as another of the unresolvable social issues, even when ecological disasters are already affecting life on Earth. Particularly Western societies present a high dependent fossil fuel lives, which aggravates the damaged balance of Nature. Neutral fossil actions and low impact environmental ones appear as the solution to mitigate Climate Change. Even though citizens present preoccupation regarding Climate Change, the involvement in sustainable living is somehow deterred (phenomenon). Together with the research’s hypothesis, the research investigates the accessibility and attractiveness to mitigate Climate Change through a sustainable lifestyle in the Netherlands. This research has taken advantage of the methodological benefits provided by the combination of ordinal regression and phenomenological research. Both methodologies has been integrated and granted validation and triangulation to the data and the consequent outcomes. Either accessibility and attractiveness have resulted to be inhibitors and/or facilitators to sustainable lifestyles. A strong motivation, environmental values and green-left political orientation are the resulting facilitator factors of attractiveness. However, several psychological factors act as disincentive or barriers. Moreover, accessibility is determined by double-edged sociodemographic factors. Finally social norms are also a remarkable outcome of the study with a double-edged power in the embracement of environmentally friendly lifestyles.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen