Clean up the neighbourhood!: A case study in Semarang, Indonesia about strategies and solid wate management

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Waste produced by human activities, puts pressure on the existing waste disposal system in Semarang Indonesia. The sub-district Jomblang has a relatively well working SWM system, but is still struggling to improve. With the use of different theories this research gives an insight in the different stakeholders, their strategies, how these stakeholders are related and how this contributes to a better waste system. The biggest problem in the sub-district is the illegal dumping of waste which causes environmental problems. This research looks at the extent to which there is a cooperation between public and private domain. The conclusion is that there is no specific or overall policy between government, the business sector and the community. Some stakeholders complement each other where others don’t. There are gaps in the SWM system, with the consequence of illegal dumping of waste. The communities in the sub-district Jomblang bear the most responsibility in waste management and are generally more sustainable than the strategies provided by the government. The use of resources was very dependent on which stakeholders were mostly involved. Creating awareness and education seemed to be the most important strategies as they were also the most successful long-term.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen