Don't lose time, it is your life! A research on study-work programmes as a time-saving approach to increase the changes of labour market integration of refugees in the Netherlands

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This dissertation utilises Bourdieu’s framework on forms of capitals and Young’s vision on equality and marginalisation to analyse a new form of compensational projects for refugees in the Netherlands, namely study-work programmes. These programmes bring different forms of capital together with the aim to enhance the labour market opportunities of this marginalized group. The findings are based on qualitative research methods which highlight the insider’s perspective. By juxtaposing four case studies, this research draws out diversity and commonalities between the cases on the themes of organisation, recognition of experiences and combination of the aspects language-study-work. This research underlines the reality of inequality and structural exclusion of refugees in contemporary Dutch society. However, the cases mostly shine light on the potential of study-work programmes as a compensational project to enhance the opportunities of refugees on the Dutch labour market and slowly break the structure of exclusion.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen