The competitive advantage of Dutch Datacenters. Using Porter's Diamond to analyse the datacenter industry

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The digital infrastructure a leading industry in the Netherlands. With high grow percentages and a promising future this industry has been designated as the ‘third mainport’, meaning that there is a relatively large quantity of goods passing considering that it is in a small country. This research investigates how the datacenterindustry gained this position and how they are spatially manifested in the Netherlands. Using Porter’s diamond for the competitive advantage insights have been given on how the competitive advantage came to be and what factors contributed. The first and main conclusion is that there is a lack of data, the interviews that have been conducted have shown strong qualitative arguments but proving them with factual data has turned out to be almost impossible. In the interviews and existing literature strong correlations were found, however, data shows the exact opposite correlation. Three explanations can be given for this; (1) it is caused by the recentness of this industry’ existence. Furthermore, the diversity in preferences for different types of datacenter (2) make it hard to generalize. And last, the industry is not always transparent, deals are made behind closed doors (3).
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen