Pieces to the puzzle: The moderation of regulatory focus in the relationship between a specific set of perceived human resource (HR) practices and innovative work behavior (IWB)

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To provide practitioners with understanding that is needed to manage innovative work behavior (IWB) of employees in the organization, this research examines the relationship between a specific set of perceived HR practices (i.e., training extensiveness, performance pay and participative work design) and IWB and its boundary conditions with the moderation of the extent of regulatory focus (i.e., promotion focus and prevention focus) an individual has at work. To empirically examine the hypothesized relationships, we gathered data from 101 employees at an organization providing healthcare in the Netherlands (i.e., Rijnstate). To analyze the data, we conducted binary logistic regression with a series of (nested) logistic models. As hypothesized, we found that the specific set of perceived HR practices is positively related to IWB. In contrast to what we hypothesized, we found that the positive relationship between the specific set of perceived HR practices and IWB is not moderated by the extent of regulatory focus an individual has at work. Despite some research limitations, these findings provide pieces to the puzzle in a new line of research.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen