Examining the Correspondence between Intentions and Perceptions of Brand Personality and Brand Communication Style

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The main objective of this research is to examine whether the perceptions of the customer concerning the brand personality and brand communication style are in line with the intentions of the brand owner, by examining the brand XXX via a case study. The intentions were assessed through nine in-depth interviews, whereas the perceptions were examined via a survey among 441 consumers. The findings reveal that the perceptions and intentions with respect to the brand personality and brand communication style are partially corresponding, indicating that the implementation of the brand personality has been successful to a certain degree. Intentions and perceptions concerning characteristics and styles that relate to the category “friendly, welcoming, open” are fully aligned, however the customer does not perceive the intended “playful, mischievous” characteristics and styles yet. Furthermore, this thesis demonstrates that the degree of involvement of customers has an effect on brand personality and brand communication style perceptions. A second objective of this study is to examine whether the brand communication style can be seen as an expression of the brand personality of XXX. The findings reveal that the brand personality and communication style indeed correspond to each other.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen