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Item 'Africa's little people' in danger? the representation of African 'Pygmies' in National Geographic Magazine in 1960 and 2005(2022-07-08) Graanstra, NaomiTravel writing and tourism marketing have in common that both forms of communication want to entice the reader to either visit or imagine about the destination they write about. In relation to non-western destinations, this often culminates in the exoticizing and Othering of said places by western writers and companies, even in the ‘postmodern’ world. In this thesis research about travel writing and tourism marketing will be combined to look at the contemporary representation of African Pygmies in the National Geographic Magazine (NGM). The research question is: how has the visual and textual representation of Central African Pygmies changed in National Geographic Magazine between 1960-2005? Both African Pygmies and the non-western representation in NGM have been subjects of much research. However, research about Pygmies usually focuses on the colonial representation whilst the representation of Pygmies in the NGM has not been studied before. This thesis will be an addition to both fields of research.Item Als de natuur roept. De opkomst van het wandeltoerisme in Nederland begin twintigste eeuw(2020-07-03) Baltussen, W.In 1914 opende de ANWB de eerste bondswandelweg van Amsterdam naar Arnhem, wat de opkomst inluidde van het binnenlands wandeltoerisme. Het betekende de eerste gefaciliteerde mogelijkheid tot een georganiseerde wandelvakantie in Nederland. Er zouden nog velen bondswandelwegen volgen door heel het land. Wandelaars waren klaar om Nederland te verkennen. Door verdrukking in de stad en nieuwe vrijetijdsidealen, zochten Nederlanders de natuur op om op pad te gaan. De ANWB faciliteerde deze vraag maar al te graag. Met de heemschutgedachte in het achterhoofd, voedde het de wandelaar op tot liefhebber van het vaderland. In de bondswandelgidsen stonden de eigenheid van het Nederlandse landschap en de waardering voor monumenten centraal. De ANWB richtte zich vooral op welgestelde (rand)stedelingen. De opkomst van het wandeltoerisme, ging dus niet op voor alle inwoners van Nederland.Item Amsterdam, die tolerante stad, die is gebouwd op 'palen'?(2019-12-27) Marinissen, W.Dit onderzoek bevraagt het tolerante en LGBT-vriendelijke imago van Amsterdam. Door middel van een multimodale (tekst-beeld) discoursanalyse wordt blootgelegd in welke context(en) en op welke manier(en) de lokale Amsterdamse LGBT-gemeenschap wordt gerepresenteerd en ingezet op de website van enerzijds city branding organisatie amsterdam&partners en anderzijds die van de dertien grootste Amsterdamse musea, met daarbij een speciale focus op het Amsterdam Museum en het Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. De analyse van de websites is gestoeld op theorie over sociale inclusie en representatie binnen de domeinen van city marketing, destination branding en museum studies. Begrippen als ‘sense of place’, ‘sense of belonging’, en ‘community’, in combinatie met een zelfontworpen communicatiemodel, helpen bij het duiden van de casussen. Dit onderzoek laat zien dat LGBT-gerelateerde onderwerpen regelmatig aanwezig zijn op de websites van amsterdam&partners en die van de Amsterdamse musea, maar dat de lokale LGBT-gemeenschap nog niet optimaal wordt ingezet en gerepresenteerd.Item Authentic Bodies. The Circulation of Images and The Performance of Tourism Experiences by Female Travel Influencers on Instagram(2022-01-28) Bastiaansen, L.P.M.This thesis investigates the circulation of visual travel motifs and the performances of tourism experiences by ten female travel influencers on Instagram. One hundred images are analysed, to answer following research question: “In what way do the online performances of female travel influencers on Instagram uphold discourses of travel, and how do they embody resistance against these discourses?” The research conducted in this thesis is divided into two sections. One section discusses the circulation of visual motifs. The second section focusses on the performativity of tourism, and the role of the body in it. With a thorough analysis of the images it is discovered how existing motifs circulate, and how reiteration and resistance of choreographies of tourism are performed. This thesis lays bare the structures of the discourses that are circulated and strengthened on the online platform Instagram, as well as the potential of the platform to spread choreographies of resistance.Item Bitterballen, biking and buildings(2019-08-14) Berg, J.D. van denIn travel vlogs about the Netherlands a Dutch national identity is put forth by the traveller on YouTube. The Dutch viewer, in turn can reply in the comments section and can show their agreement or disagreement with this national identity. For this research seven travel vlogs about the Netherlands were analysed via the method of thematic analysis to determine the Dutch viewer's thoughts on the national identity portrayed in the travel vlogs about their country. The Dutch viewers were most proud of Dutch cuisine and travel vloggers trying out these dishes. Whenever Dutch viewers did not agree with the travel vlogger, they would debunk their information and provide the information they believed to be correct. Sometimes the viewer would also add to the theme when they felt some information was lacking.Item Branding sustainability at the airports of Amsterdam and Frankfurt(2021-07-09) Lukačovičová, S.The primary purpose of this master thesis is to demonstrate the promotion of sustainability at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and Frankfurt Airport. Due to challenges the aviation industry has been facing in the last few months, sustainability has remained a high priority, and the airports still develop and introduce new plans. During this research, the official websites and social media of Amsterdam Schiphol and Frankfurt Airports have been analyzed under the scope of critical discourse analysis. My analysis of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and Frankfurt Airport demonstrates the importance of language and image and how location, color or vocabulary of environmentally friendly advertising can influence and manipulate the visitors. Finally, the research provides a critical view of how airports have an impact on the understanding and knowledge of sustainable consumption by linking it to the fact that they can affect the importance of environmental sustainability.Item City Branding Though Instagram: The Case of Athens(2020-08-31) Tzelepi, L.The goal of this research is to investigate how is Athens branded through two Instagram profiles dedicated to branding of the city, one owned by the municipality of Athens and one owned by a local. In order to investigate this complex issue, an academic research was conducted on city branding in general and of city branding through social media in specific. In addition, the content analysis of the two profiles was done along with qualitative interviews of a local and a recent visitor to understand their point of view and opinions on the city's branding. It was concluded that the municipality of Athens is mainly promoting the city's ancient past and archeological sites more than modern day Athens, in contrast to the locally owned profile that tends to have a more inclusive content.Item City Image and Cultural Events(2020-08-28) Lefkopoulou, M.The main purpose behind this MA thesis was to delineate the role and contribution of cultural events like film festivals in city branding processes and in the formation of city image, taking as a case study the city of Thessaloniki and the Thessaloniki International Film Festival. During this study the official tourism website of the city and two media articles about it were analysed under the scope of multimodal discourse analysis. Interviews were also conducted. One with a city official regarding city branding strategies and another with a representative from the Festival regarding how it functions in the city and what it contributes to its image. These elements were investigated under the scope of city branding and film tourism theories as well as the overarching theory of storytelling. The main findings confirmed the importance of the existence of cultural events in the formation of city and destination image and the vital role the Film Festival in particular holds for Thessaloniki. At the same time, it was revealed that they do not play such an active role in city branding practices which emphasizes other characteristics of the city.Item The Colonial Art Debate, is it still okay to show this art in Dutch museums?(2022-11-07) Dam, L. (Lara) vanColonial art is nowadays still displayed in museums all over the world, which sparks up the debate whether or not it is deemed okay to do so. This thesis looks at how two Dutch museums, namely the Rijksmuseum and the Afrika Museum in Nijmegen, handle this debate, with a focus on how they display their artefacts. The three sub questions focus on what types of artefacts the museums house, how the museums explain the stories of the artefacts on display and how the museums want to tackle the issue of colonialism and repatriating artefacts. Overall, both museums want to actively partake in the repatriation process of artefacts, while following the guidelines set by the Dutch government. Furthermore, both museums do offer storytelling about the artefacts that are on display in the museums, with the use of (audio) tours and signs near the artefacts.Item “Come and See for Yourself”: International Tourist propaganda of Nazi Germany and its continuity with the past(2020-08-25) Pichel, P.D.The major objective of this master thesis is to find out whether international tourism promotion changed under the Nazi regime. No scholars have yet attempted to look at the tourism promotion of Nazi Germany in greater detail since most works only contain a brief discussion of first impressions. The results of this thesis will teach scholars more about the influence that the Nazi regime had on the tourism industry. By analysing newspaper advertisements and magazines that were produced by the Nazis for distribution abroad, this study investigates the international tourism promotion of the country from 1934 to 1939. The themes of the source materials are analysed and the results are compared with the findings from an earlier study. A discourse analysis is used to study the image that was conveyed of the country. A discourse analysis is also used to find evidence for an anti-capitalist and anti-elitist fascist discourse in the source materials. The author will also look for National Socialist images, figures, and references. Finally, references to current politics will be searched for in the source materials. It was concluded that the international tourism promotion had changed in some regards under the Nazi regime. Some pictures of prominent Nazi figures, some symbols and references to National Socialism, and some references to current politics were discovered in the foreign tourism promotion of the Nazi era. The promotion, however, continued to convey an image of the country that was attractive, nonaggressive, and nonpolitical. The materials dispelled the doubts that some tourists might have had about their safety in the country. The foreign tourism promotion of the Weimar era did the same. The materials thus did not seem to have changed much during the Nazi era.Item Conservation or Recreation? A critical study of the label ecotourism in the promotion of Las Alpujarras and Sierra Nevada(2019-08-30) Fernández Sáez, I.Ecotourism has started to develop in the last 30 years all around the world as an alternative to mass tourism. However, both academia and industry have not agreed on a universal definition of ecotourism. This lack of agreement can be the cause of operational confusion in the tourism industry, as many companies, with different ideas of what ecotourism, claim to fit the mold. In this thesis, I study the use of the label ecotourism in web promotion of the area of Las Alpujarras and Sierra Nevada in Spain. In order to see how companies and tourists reflect on ecotourism and which fundaments of it they consider important, I have conducted web content and TripAdvisor research and surveyed people who have visited the area. The results showed that companies have sustainable practices but prefer to highlight experiential aspects of ecotourism in their promotion, like authenticity and tranquility. Tourists on TripAdvisor reflected on these experiential aspects not directly related to ecotourism, while survey respondents’ gave more importance to conservation and education and were knowledgeable of what ecotourism is. I conclude that the use of the label ecotourism in this area has been beneficial as it has stimulated the development of sustainable practices in the tourism industry.Item Creatief toerisme: interessant voor het creëren van een nieuw stadsimago of de vloek uit het Westen? Een onderzoek naar de representatie en ontwikkeling van creatief toerisme in Kyiv(2021-08-31) Aggelen, N. vanDeze scriptie doet onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van creatief toerisme in Kyiv. Creatief toerisme kan een positief effect hebben op identiteitsvorming en culturele productie, aan de andere kant kan het ook een negatief effect hebben op stedelijke ontwikkeling, bijvoorbeeld door de commodificatie van culturele bronnen. Het doel van dit onderzoek is dan ook om kritisch te kijken naar de 'creatieve wending' in het toeristische aanbod van Kyiv en de impact die dit heeft op de online representatie en de creatieve ontwikkeling van Kyiv als toeristische stad.Item Day of the Dead: An analysis of the impact of cinema on the touristic promotion (offer) and tourist experience (reception) of the Day of the Dead in Mexico(2019-09-30) Kingma, T.A.The representation of the Day of the Dead in popular films as James Bond Spectre (2015) and Disney-Pixar’s Coco (2017) generated global curiosity and interest for the ancient Mexican tradition. In this context, commercial touristic products derived from these films as a result of certain expectations and desires. The principal aim is to explore the impact that Spectre and Coco have had on the official, commercial and non-official offer and reception of the Day of the Dead. This study analyzes the discourse of official websites of tourism authorities, commercial travel-related websites and private tour agencies. Secondly, the analysis of a selection of travel blogs was used to reflect on how these films are received and experienced in the discourse of tourists. It was discovered that the references to the movies are mostly if not only made by media and travel bloggers, and the films are absent in the official narrative. These findings can be of help in the marketing strategies of up and coming tourist destinations.Item "Dem Himmel entgegen und dem Brocken ganz nah“ Romantische Erfahrungen von Touristen beim Wandern im Harz(2019-06-30) Möller, I.M.Diese Masterarbeit hat versucht zu deuten, inwiefern heutigen Wanderer noch zum gleichen Ziel wandern, als die Wanderer um 1800. Gründe um während der Periode der Romantik wandern zu gehen, waren die Möglichkeit zur Reflektion, die Suche nach Authentizität in der Natur, eine Flucht aus der Gesellschaft, Ich-Findung und das Erfahren der Natur. Diese Konzepte stehen im Zentrum dieser Masterarbeit und wurden versucht bei den Wanderern heutzutage zurückzufinden. Die Forschung zur heutiges Wandern im Harz wurde anhand einer Analyse von Wanderblogs durchgeführt. Analysiert wurden diese Blogs auf Referenzen, implizit oder explizit, zu einer romantischen Naturerfahrung, Reflektion, Ich-Findung, Suche nach Authentizität und Eskapismus während der Wanderung. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Blogautoren eine Ruhe in der Natur finden und dass der Flucht von ihrer Routine positiv auf sie wirkt.Item The Destination Brand Image of Amsterdam: A Guidebook Comparison(2022-08-31) Janssen, M.I. (Muriel)The aim of this research was to investigate two guidebooks, Lonely Planet Amsterdam Guidebook (2018) and Fodor’s Travel Amsterdam: With the Best of The Netherlands (2018), on the case of the tourism brand image of Amsterdam. It was encouraged by the fact that this topic had been limited analysed in the tourism industry. In both cases of the first two chapters of the guidebooks were then analysed through the five criteria of Amsterdam as a historic, sex & drugs, meeting place / tolerant, abundant in events and artistic city and a comparative content analysis based on a coding form of adjectives, nouns, and adverbs which were associated with the five criteria. Finally, the conclusion of the analysis, consists of a summary of all my findings, an answer to the research questions, a limitation of the analysis and instructions for future research, and a reflection on my research. Key words: comparative analysis, content analysis, tourism brand image, Amsterdam.Item "Deutsche nicht erwünscht"? Het debat over Duitse toeristen in Nederland, 1945-1956(2019-07-05) Nordkamp, B.J.In deze scriptie onderzoek ik welke betekenissen en waardeoordelen door Nederlandse bevolkingsgroepen, media, politici en stakeholders uit de toeristenindustrie toegekend werden aan de komst van Duitse toeristen naar Nederland tussen 1945 en 1956. Het West-Duits toerisme heeft zich in deze betrekkelijk korte periode ontwikkeld van een onbespreekbaar onderwerp tot een vanzelfsprekendheid van de grootste groep buitenlandse toeristen. Hoewel met verloop van de tijd sprake was van een algemene normalisatie van de banden, maakte elke actor en organisatie, afhankelijk van haar eigen belangen ten aanzien van dit vraagstuk, een afweging in hoe zij om wilde gaan met Duitse toeristen. Ook indien zij positief stonden tegenover de komst van Duitse toeristen betekende dit niet dat ongemak jegens Duitsers of negatieve sentimenten verdwenen waren. Eerder dan dat was de periode 1945-1956 een periode waarin constant een pragmatische afweging werd gemaakt tussen sentimenten en mogelijk wraakgevoelens enerzijds en de opbrengsten en het verbeteren van de Nederlands-Duitse relatie anderzijds.Item Drenthe as "Oerprovincie" of the Netherlands - Exploring the layers of the province's online tourism promotion(2022-07-14) Slot, MarijeThis research applies a multimodal critical discourse analysis to the images and texts on in order to examine the ideas and images Drenthe’s official tourism website communicates with the brand “Oerprovincie van Nederland.” Although at first glance the “Oerprovincie van Nederland” brand would evoke ideas of Drenthe being the oldest or prehistoric province of the country, the official tourism website seems to establish a more layered narrative of the province. This raises questions about what message Drenthe’s online tourism promotion precisely tries to convey. As the hypothesis is that the website communicates a layered narrative of the province, the method includes an active search for (seeming) paradoxes and clusters of ideas about Drenthe. Instrumental and critical approaches to destination branding are combined so as to illustrate the techniques with which the website constructs an attractive destination image, as well as to analyse myths and fantasies the discourse (re)produces. The results of the analysis demonstrate that the discourse on indeed constructs layered ideas and images of Drenthe, and that destination branding is more complex than previous studies have suggested. The research reveals that Drenthe is a place where tourists can adopt both active and passive attitudes on their holiday. Further, it shows that the website uses different and sometimes conflicting notions of the past to construct a destination image that is linked to bygone eras while preserving some hints of modernity. Lastly, the research demonstrates that compares the province to faraway destinations but does this in such a manner that it fits in the “oer” discourse. An analysis of the paradoxical and layered narratives illustrates how Drenthe’s online tourism promotion reiterates and reinforces discourses of the province as wild and mysterious, and as a place of nostalgiaItem Ecotourism and Spirituality: An exploratory study(2022-08-31) Pistolaki, E.Spirituality has been addressed and studied upon in the tourism field mainly in relation to religiosity and religious tourism. Contesting the idea that spiritual experiences and thus fulfillment can only be achieved within this context, this paper explores the interrelation of ecotourism and spirituality, focusing on the relationships drawn by ecotourists themselves. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the spiritual dimension of ecotourism and the ways in which ecotourists of different ages perceive, frame and embody spirituality in their vacations. To provide answers, literature analysis and interviews with ecotourists of Greek origin were performed. Through the comparative analysis of the typologies of ecotourists and spiritual tourists, various elements emerged that highlighted the differentiations but also the common parts between those two categorizations, corroborating the notion that ecotourism engulfs also a spiritual dimension. Through the empirical research, views on spirituality were extracted, indicating it to be a quest towards self-awareness, nonetheless embodied and interpreted in different ways based on the age group. The narrations of spiritual travel experiences allowed also for a deeper understanding of the embodiment of spirituality in ecotourism. With these insights, this study has highlighted the spiritual dimension of ecotourism, as interpreted and performed by ecotourists themselves.Item El desierto de Tabernas en la fotografía turística; Wéstern, paisaje y representación(2021-08-15) Hiddink, M.El desierto de Tabernas (Almería), se utilizó con frecuencia como lugar de rodaje de películas wéstern. Los sets originales de los wésterns todavía están allí, formando parte de los parques temáticos de cine Fort Bravo y Oasys. Este estudio se centra en la relación entre estos parques temáticos, los wésterns y los turistas que visitan el desierto de Tabernas, e investiga hasta qué punto las fotos turísticas de Instagram del desierto de Tabernas reproducen el paisaje estereotipado de las películas wéstern. Esta investigación se basa en la mirada de turista (Urry y Larsen, 2011), por el que alguien forma expectativas sobre un destino turístico. Los resultados muestran similitudes entre las fotos de Instagram y el paisaje de los wésterns. Sin embargo, mientras que los turistas publican principalmente fotos de un paisaje natural no tocado por la mano del hombre, los parques temáticos publican principalmente fotos de paisajes construidos.Item El exceso de turismo en Ámsterdam(2020-10-13) Lierop, R.A.M. vanA lo largo de los años, Ámsterdam ha sido un tema de discusión en los medios cuando se trata del exceso de turismo en los Países Bajos. En la década de 1990, Ámsterdam se promocionó mundialmente como el trofeo de toda Holanda, haciendo de la ciudad un interesante proyecto de marketing. Sin embargo, el centro de la ciudad está inundado por un número exorbitante de turistas y Ámsterdam se ve obligada a buscar formas de dispersar a los visitantes a otros lugares del país: esto alivia la presión sobre Ámsterdam y asegurará que más lugares en los Países Bajos puedan beneficiarse del turismo extranjero. Una estrategia para extender los turistas por todo el país es implementar la estrategia HollandCity, de NBTC. Esta tesis analiza en qué medida la estrategia HollandCity se refleja en los nueve sitios web turísticos españoles, italianos y franceses más utilizados para medir su éxito internacional. La investigación, que consiste en un análisis multimodal del discurso, se lleva a cabo en dos partes: un análisis textual y un análisis visual.