Job crafting and organizational features: When to craft or not to craft. A qualitative study on how organizational features influence how employees craft their jobs within the Department of Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Service of the Radboud University Medical Center.
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The aim of this explorative, qualitative case study was to gain an empirical and in-depth insight in how organizational features influence job crafting of employees working at the Department of Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Service (in Dutch: AMD) of the Radboudumc, by means of exploring how these processes take place in practice. The research question of this study is defined as: “How do organizational features influence job crafting processes by employees working at the AMD of the Radboudumc?”. In this theory-oriented research a single case study is conducted as thirteen interviews were held with employees (and the supervisor) of one department within one organization. The data were analysed by means of a template analysis which resulted in the conclusion that employees at this department, mostly professional workers operating in teams, craft their jobs in different ways and often see job crafting as inherent to their jobs. Moreover, organizational features influence job crafting processes of employees in different ways, as they can enable, facilitate, support or challenge individual or collaborative forms of job crafting by employees. In addition, some organizational features influence the need of employees in this case study to engage in particular job crafting techniques.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen