The power of inclusive leadership and HR development practices in retaining young talent

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Abstract The importance of need satisfaction in retaining young employees has gained considerable attention in recent years. Despite this focus, many aspects of the relationship between inclusive leadership, HR development practices, and turnover intention remain underexplored. This cross-sectional study aims to address these gaps by examining the impact of inclusive leadership on turnover intention among young employees, with a specific focus on the mediating role of need satisfaction and the moderating effect of HR development practices. Grounded in the self-determination theory, this research collected relevant empirical literature and employed a quantitative research design to test the hypotheses. Data was gathered from a sample of 133 young employees, resulting in significant insights. The findings reveal that inclusive leadership significantly reduces turnover intention by fulfilling young employees' intrinsic needs. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of HR development practices, such as career development, training and development, career planning, and participation in decision-making, in enhancing this relationship. This research contributes to the theoretical understanding of inclusive leadership and its practical applications in HR management, providing valuable insights for organizations aiming to mitigate turnover intentions by addressing the unique needs of younger employees. By integrating inclusive leadership with strategic HR development practices, organizations can create a more engaging and supportive work environment, ultimately promoting long-term young employee retention and organizational stability.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen