E ectiveness of virtual embodiment in short term knowledge retention

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Abstract. This thesis focuses on the study of embodiment within a relatively new medium, Virtual Reality (VR), by making use of a spatial navigation task. The experiment carried out tests the recall of directions, when acted upon within a VR environment, compared to the same instructions being described through video and audio recordings. This thesis outlines the potential bene ts and drawbacks of non-immersive, semi-immersive and immersive VR and serves to observe whether limited immersion can o er bene cial learning e ects for training tasks within complex industrial environments, which can be hazardous for on-site teaching. For the experiment, thirty-two participants engaged in simulations, where the objective consisted in reaching the end-points of a collection of virtual labyrinths of varying complexities. Results show a general increase in e ciency in route recall with the usage of VR, with participants making fewer mistakes overall when following directions while being semi-immersed in the maze environments. Participants who've had previous experience with general virtual games tend to perform better with the VR condition. Performance between the Video and VR conditions was overall found to be non-signi cant (p > 0.05) as well as between video and audio for the number of mistakes made (p = 0.19) as the video condition showed to have a greater individual variation in performance than the rest of the conditions. The strongest signi cance between conditions was observed for the Audio and VR pairing, where p < 0.05 for both time and mistakes, where for time, p = 0.0012, demonstrating an overall improvement in knowledge recall with embodiment. This experiment demonstrates the viability of VR for spatial navigation training tasks. Keywords: Virtual Reality, Learning, Embodiment
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen