Watch me! Comprehensibility of, and customer attitude towards Same Language Subtitling in instruction videos.
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Videosharing websites such as Youtube have created a new dimension in online marketing and content creation Companies can now easily share their instruction videos. However since a lot of companies operate multinationally and therefore have customer groups with different native languages, they have to find ways to make the instruction videos available and comprehensible to all of those consumers. Dubbing
is a widely used, yet costly solution for companies. Subtitling is less costly, but still time consuming when companies have to translate their instruction video into different languages. Since earlier learning and television studies found positive effects on Same Language Subtitling (SLS), this study further investigates whether SLS could be a possible solution for companies to make their instruction videos comprehensible without receiving a negative attitude from different customers group, by conducting an
Lego building task among Dutch participants. Because some foreign languages are better understood than others, a distinction between languages the audiences were used to (English) and less used to (French) was made. During the experiment, participants watched a instruction video about how to build a Lego house and were expected to actually build the house themselves with the Lego bricks provided by the researcher. The instruction video the participants got to watch could be English or French spoken, and with or without SLS. Before and after the instruction video, the participants filled in a short questionnaire. Although the outcomes of this study should be interpreted with caution due to a small sample size, the results of the
experiment show that SLS did not have any influence on the comprehensibility or attitude of the audience. Language, however, did: those participants who watched the instruction video in English made significantly fewer mistakes than those who watched the video in French.
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