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Here the Radboud University presents theses written by students affiliated with the various bachelor and master programmes offered at the Radboud University, as well as papers written by students of the Radboud Honours Academy.

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    Beeldenstorm bij Protest
    (2024-02-19) Geertsma, B.
    Dit werkstuk richt zich op de factoren die invloed hebben op de mate waarin opnamen tijdens protesten een accuraat beeld verschaffen van de werkelijkheid: subjectiviteit & selectiviteit, toegang & volgorde, ruimtelijke - & temporale volledigheid. Bij het uiteenzetten van hoe deze factoren de weergave van de werkelijkheid beïnvloeden is ook uitgebreid aandacht besteed aan het beleidsaspect rondom filmen en verwerking van beelden omdat de wet- en regelgeving mede bepaalt in hoeverre selectiviteit mogelijk is, wie tot welke beelden toegang heeft en in welke volgorde beelden worden vrijgegeven.
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    Brutal Intimacy: Gaspar Noé and the Controversiality of New French Extremism Films
    (2024-04-15) Heijnis, A.J.
    This thesis investigates what makes the French-Argentinian director Gaspar Noé’s films controversial. His films belong to the New French Extremity movement, which are transgressive in nature. This work will focus on three of the movement’s films in particular, namely Noé’s Seul Contre Tous (1998), Irréversible (2002), and Love (2015). Through a descriptive analysis of the movement’s history and the films’ receptions, as well as through a close reading of the form of the film’s transgressive scenes, the main research question is answered. It shows that what makes these films so controversial, is their tenable realism, pushing up against people’s expectations of art; confronting them with the horrors of their reality.
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    Doctor Please, I Have a Digitally Altered Voice!: An Analysis of the Digitally Altered Voice in Joost Klein’s “Life Story” and “PTSD”
    (2024-02-15) Kluts, J.
    Digital sounding voices are everywhere and can elicit strong feelings within its listeners. In this essay, I explore the digital alteration of the voice in Dutch musician Joost's "Life Story" and "PTSD" as a profound aesthetic choice which can best be understood as a manifestation of the metamodern oscillation of serious and non-serious. Firstly, I study how digital mediation affects the voice within a metamodern context. Explicitly digitally mediating the voice can cause feelings of insincerity. By viewing the digitally mediated voice from a metamodern perspective, I establish how it can also express profound and authentic feelings. This is expanded on through a close reading and close listening of Joost’s work. Within this thesis, I aim to add nuance to the already existing discourse on digital sounding voices, which currently mostly focuses on digital sounding voices as inauthentic and alienating.
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    De sleutel tot sponsoring: De rol van regionaliteit bij werving en behoud van private gelden door professionele symfonieorkesten in Nederland
    (2022-08-01) Müller, T.M.
    Na de bezuinigingsronde van Zijlstra in 2010 is het verwerven van private financiering cruciaal geworden voor Nederlandse culturele organisaties. Ondanks de overheidssteun blijven veel organisaties afhankelijk van publieke middelen, waaronder professionele symfonieorkesten. Dit onderzoek onderzoekt de relatie tussen regionale verbondenheid en het aantrekken van private financiering door deze orkesten, gebaseerd op Kirchbergs geeftheorie. Interviews met werknemers van drie orkesten tonen aan dat een compact verzorgingsgebied het eenvoudiger maakt om private donateurs aan te trekken. Het belang van deze bevindingen strekt zich uit tot de bredere culturele sector, waar inzicht in sponsorwerving essentieel is voor de financiële stabiliteit en groei van culturele instellingen.
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    Urban Heerlen Transformed through Improvised Music Exposure into a European Capital of Culture
    (2024-03-08) Stienstra, G.
    This thesis examines Heerlen's ambition to become the European Capital of Culture in 2033, with a focus on improvised music for young adults. Research addresses social-economic challenges among youth. Exploring the benefits of improvised music in a cultural context. This answers: “What role can improvised music play for the young adults in the municipality of Heerlen in the conquest of becoming the European Capital of Culture in 2033?”. This thesis does not provide conclusive solutions to Heerlen by becoming a European Capital of Culture due to its constrained focus. However, it tries to add to the conversation. A theoretical framework is created from literature, emphasizing the impact of culture and music on urban settings. This is used for interviews with experts of improvised music and education. Thereafter, a qualitative research approach derives insights on improvised music in Heerlen. The research aligns Heerlen's cultural aspirations with the ideals of a Capital of Culture. Proposing an interconnected music education system that cultivates a sense of belonging among European citizens. Despite challenges in determining implementation strategies, local musicians and educators show initiative in incorporating improvisation in their teaching. This thesis acknowledges the limited available data but suggests that conversations with experts and the comparison with literature lay the groundwork for change. The Capital of Culture seeks to underscore diversity intrinsic to the different cultural facets across the continent. This serves for the commemoration of shared cultural features that bind European communities together. Cultivating a sense of collective heritage and identity among its citizens.

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