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Here the Radboud University presents theses written by students affiliated with the various bachelor and master programmes offered at the Radboud University, as well as papers written by students of the Radboud Honours Academy.

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    Communities First, Conditions for Local and Subnational Reconciliation Processes to Contribute to the National-Level Peace Process in South Sudan
    (2024-08-14) Bakel, Sam van
    This research was conducted to understand the conditions under which local and subnational reconciliation initiatives can contribute to the national-level peace process in a way that is responsive to the needs of communities. Qualitative research was conducted through interviews with 14 respondents and an extensive desk study. The research analysis reveals that high-level peace processes (R-ARCSS) have not been able to create peace in South Sudan. Therefore, it is necessary to support bottom-up approaches to peacebuilding. From the research analysis, six key themes for successful local and subnational reconciliation have been identified: Dealing with the Past, Disarming the Mind, Development & Security, (Transitional) Justice Processes, Reconciliation as a Long-term Process, and Context-Specific & Local Ownership. The findings suggest that local and subnational initiatives addressing these key themes can contribute to sustainable peace in South Sudan that is responsive to the needs of the communities, if strategically linked to national efforts, through building a foundation for peace, advocacy work and interconnectedness with the national level conflict dynamics. For bottom-up approaches to truly contribute to peace in South Sudan, political will is needed for significant changes to occur at the top. Crucial to this is the implementation of the peace agreement.
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    Understanding neighbourhood perceptions of commuters to Culemborg’s train station in order to encourage active living
    (2024-08-05) Meijer, Dirk
    Citizens of the Netherlands are becoming increasingly reliant on non-active modes of transport. This trend has a negative effect on the physical health of the population, as a lack of movement increases risk of earlier mortality. Previous research has found that people’s transport mode choice is influenced by personal characteristics, but also their social and built environment. The aim within this thesis is to gain insight into how the social and built environment influences the way citizens of Culemborg commute to their local train station. Go-along interviews are applied in which the researcher comes along with participants on their regular commute to the Culemborg train station, while they discuss dissatisfactions with the environment. These interviews and the redevelopment plans are analysed to see whether current experiences from inhabitants of Culemborg are considered in the redesign of the neighbourhood and train station. Results show that for the participants’ personal characteristics are a key motivator for active transport mode choice. Enjoyment of cycling, proximity to the station and health benefits, among others, were strong motivators to travel to the train station using active modes of transportation.
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    The effect of nature conservation laws on approval and construction time of housing in the Netherlands
    (2024-07-29) Willemsen, Stijn
    The Netherlands faces a housing crisis. There is a housing shortage and new construction is undergoing delays. Reasons for the delay in scientific literature are mainly attributed to the amount of restrictive land-use regulations. In Dutch policy debate, it is often argued that, especially, projects close to Natura 2000 areas suffer from nature conservation regulation. In the Dutch context, for the last six years, nitrogen has played a significant role in the debate on nature conservation. This research aims to investigate whether nature conservation regulations cause a lengthier procedure in the approval and construction of plans. This led to the main question, “To what extent do nature conservation laws contribute to a delay in the permitting and construction process in the Netherlands?” The most important variables are plans before and after the introduction of regulation and their level of exposure to nitrogen. Quantitative analyses of data is done to test assumptions and the significance of data. Keywords: delay in new construction, nitrogen, land-use regulations, Natura 2000, nature conservation, permitting
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    Vrijheid blijheid; Het waarborgen van vrijheid om weerstand ten opzichte van plantaardige voeding te verminderen. Beïnvloeden taalgebruik en consumptiepatronen de mate van reactantie ten opzichte van persuasieve communicatie omtrent plantaardige voeding?
    (2024-07-02) Rijn, A. van
    Persuasieve communicatie kan ingezet worden om mensen aan te zetten tot verandering, maar kan tegelijkertijd reactantie oproepen doordat het de keuzevrijheid beperkt. Omdat er een gebrek is aan onderzoek gericht op afwijzing van boodschappen binnen de context van voeding, is in dit onderzoek gekeken naar de invloed van taalgebruik en gedrag ten opzichte van persuasieve boodschappen over plantaardige voeding. Het richt zich specifiek op de impact van direct of indirect taalgebruik en een hoge of lage vleesconsumptie op reactantie en de invloed daarvan op attitude. Resultaten laten zien dat direct taalgebruik zorgt voor een toename in vrijheidsbedreiging, wat leidt tot meer reactantie. Een toename in reactantie voorspelde een negatievere attitude ten opzichte van plantaardige voeding. De consumptie van vlees had geen invloed op reactantie. Gebruik van indirect taalgebruik is dan ook bevorderlijk voor een positieve attitude en acceptatie van de boodschap.
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    Een onderzoek naar de effecten van het toenemend inzetten van verschillende accommoderende strategieën op gehoord voelen en klanttevredenheid in dispreferred chatberichten.
    (2024-06-27) Reintjes, T.
    Deze studie onderzocht de effecten van verschillende accommoderende strategieën in dispreferred chatberichten op gehoord voelen en klanttevredenheid in een online klantenservicecontext. De onderzochte strategieën waren verontschuldiging, informatie verstrekken, corrigerende actie en compensatie, die stapsgewijs werden toegevoegd aan de berichten. De hypothese was dat meer accommoderende strategieën zouden leiden tot een betere beoordeling van gehoord voelen en klanttevredenheid. Deelnemers kregen vier chatsituaties met dispreferred berichten te zien, waarin één of meerdere strategieën werden toegepast, en vulden een vragenlijst in op basis van een 5-punts Likertschaal. Het experiment had 171 proefpersonen, waarvan 110 voldeden aan de criteria voor analyse. Twee repeated measures ANOVA’s en verschillende contrast-testen toonden aan dat elke extra strategie leidde tot een hogere beoordeling van gehoord voelen en klanttevredenheid, met uitzondering van het toevoegen van een corrigerende actie aan verontschuldiging en informatie verstrekken. De resultaten suggereren dat klantenserviceafdelingen hun aanpak kunnen verbeteren door accommoderende strategieën te combineren afhankelijk van de situatie.

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