Slum Tourism in Dharavi: a Multimodal Analysis on the Online Representation of Slum Tours in Dharavi

dc.contributor.advisorSintobin, T.M.J.
dc.contributor.advisorAdriaensen, B.Y.A.
dc.contributor.authorLaigsingh, S.S.
dc.description.abstractSlum tourism, a controversial phenomenon in the tourism sector, has been the research subject of this thesis. In the literature, many scholars have studied the concept of slum tourism, but there is still a gap when it comes to the representations of the slum in (online) media. Therefore, this thesis will analyse how slum tours in Asia’s biggest slum Dharavi are represented on two different tourist websites that advertise slum tours for international tourists, through analysing text and visuals on the websites. The results can be useful for tourism development and social studies. Several theories have been used in order to conduct the research, eliciting concepts such as dark tourism, ‘the tourist gaze’, postcolonialism and representation. These theories support the method, which in this case is the Multimodal Model on Analysing Websites that consists of analytical phases, which analyse visuals and text from interpreting salient aspects to more implicit meanings. Two resourceful websites have been chosen for the analysis, which are Slumgods Tours and Travel and Mumblu Tours. This thesis does not research the quality of websites, but solely the underlying reasons on how Dharavi is represented through text and visuals. Two websites are analysed because of the research scale, yet the outcomes are useful for future research in terms of effectiveness and optimisation in (dark)tourism development.en_US
dc.file.source5d4be047a41f6-BA thesis Sita Laigsingh voor pdf -geconverteerd.pdfen_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Letterenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationArts & Culture Studiesen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeBachelor Algemene Cultuurwetenschappenen_US
dc.titleSlum Tourism in Dharavi: a Multimodal Analysis on the Online Representation of Slum Tours in Dharavien_US
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