The influence of ICTs in SMEs: How ICT affordances affect the intended stakeholder engagement

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The goal of this study is to give insight in how the current digital transformation influences the intended stakeholder engagement in SMEs, by researching the effect of ICTs on the relationship between SMEs and stakeholder engagement. This has been realized by conducting an abductive, exploratory research. The nature of this study is qualitative and 7 individuals of different organizations have been interviewed. In this study CSR is seen as a part of stakeholder engagement and thus organizations who are actively concerned with CSR have been selected for the interviews. As practicing CSR has become very important for organizations to stay legitimate and so consequently for their viability, studying the influence of ICTs is important. This is important as ICTs have opened up new possibilities for SMEs to be more engaged with their stakeholders. Moreover, in this multiple case study SMEs are central, because within the literature there is a focus in MNEs, while SMEs cover most of the business and must be considered relevant as well. New affordances have been identified and in particular the affordances communication and communication, accessibility and automatization can influence the intendent stakeholder engagement of SMEs. When these affordances are utilized properly, this can enhance stakeholder engagement, which results in enhanced legitimacy within an organizational field.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen