One for all and all for one; Motivations and Co-creation of stakeholders in the context of community renewable energy.

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Community renewable energy initiatives, hold the potential to contribute to the transition to a more sustainable energy system, by investing and demonstrating acceptance for the new energy technologies. In order to do so they have to collaborate effectively with various stakeholders and integrate resources in the common ecosystem, in a process which identified as co-creation. Nevertheless, their motivations should be aligned in order for the process to reach its full potential. Hence, the problem that guided the research is ‘how motivations of stakeholders affect the co-creation process?’ Motivations are distinguished between extrinsic and intrinsic, with the latter reflecting higher levels of motivations among stakeholders. Both types of motivations were found among stakeholders, with extrinsic elements still existent between stakeholders, who wish to observe more professionalism and positive outcomes from the energy initiative projects, in order to be more inclined to cooperate. Furthermore, intrinsic motivations were found in the local context of operation were actors strive to enhance their communities, by owning the project and community engagement; while the rest stakeholders are actively advocating and helping them. In addition, diversity of actors in the ecosystem and a platform, which connects stakeholders, are the main conditions that enhance the process; which is still in a configuration stage. Platforms were found to be important in both local and outside context of operation of the initiatives, while the cooperative structure can act as a platform for the local community to express their needs and considerations; through democratic decision making and control.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen