Physical (in)activity by school students as a result to the built environment. Quantitative research on the relation between the built environment in home and school locations and the performed physical activity of school students in the Netherlands.

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On a global level is sedentary behavior increasing. Our daily activities and environments stimulate inactivity. The car is the predominant mode of transportation and children play games inside behind a computer instead of outside with friends. Recent studies show the importance of a built environment (BE) that stimulates healthy behavior in light of public health improvements. Only 44% of the Dutch population meets the recommendations for physical activity and for the Dutch youth is this number even lower. Youth has a lot to gain by performing more daily physical activity. This quantitative research indicates the role of structural built environment factors for stimulating physical activity among school students in the Netherlands. This is compared to factors in their individual and social environment. Built environment characteristics do influence the choice for an active mode of travel to school and the total amount of performed MVPA (moderate to vigorous physical activity) by Dutch school students. Nevertheless is active behavior of school students for the larger part influenced by their individual and social environment.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen