Job quality and institutions in the labour market

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"This thesis examines the relation between labour market institutions and the quality of employment. The research question at hand is whether labour institutions and job quality are related. Thereby, the institutions that are considered to exert an influence on job quality are trade unions, collective bargaining agreements, unemployment benefits, employment protection legislation, minimum wages and active labour market policies. Job quality on the other hand follows a definition by Eurofound and bases on the dimensions: “Physical environment”, “Work intensity”, “Working time quality”, “Social environment”, “Skills and discretion”, “Prospects” and “Earnings”. The thesis proceeds the following way. First the theoretical background of job quality and the theoretical impact of the labour market institutions on job quality are discussed. In the next step the development of both job quality and the labour market institutions is analysed. To answer the research question, several multilevel logistic regression models are built. In these models the odds of being in a higher quality job cluster are analysed. The five different job clusters were constructed by Eurofound on the basis of the aforementioned dimensions of job quality. Two findings stand out: On the one hand it is found that trade unions have the greatest positive influence on job quality and on the other hand that for many institutions an impact on job quality is not detectable."
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen