What associations do country-of-origin markers evoke?

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Mentioning a country-of-origin (COO) influences consumer’s purchase decisions. This so-called COO effect is caused by personal country images in combination with product specific factors. Numerous empirical studies have studied the effects of COO. But the associations that cause this effect are still relatively unknown. This research aimed to identify the associations Dutch people have with France, Germany and Italy and compares these associations to associations about the same countries made in product context. 120 subjects filled in a questionnaire in which they got the task to think like a marketer and come up with ideas that would emphasize a COO for an advertisement on the Dutch market. They were also asked to write down general associations for France, Germany and Italy. The answers given were coded into categories. In both product context as in non-product context, most associations were given in the categories ‘Characteristics’ and ‘food’. But, the associations that were evoked by questions in a product context were more positive, more product-related and had less to do with heritage or history than the associations subjects had with the countries in non-product context. The findings from this study suggest that COO markers evoke associations that are influenced by product specific factors, but that are still similar to the associations evoked by a country in general.
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