Is more always better? The interaction of visual narrative art and country of origin markers in perfume video advertisements.

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This research explored the consumer’s attitude towards Visual Narrative Art (VNA), the concept for telling a story visually, and Country of origin (COO) markers in video advertisements. Although contemporary commercials often contain a story and country of origin associations of the advertised product or brand, no previous study has investigated the possible relationship between both concepts. To shed light on the effect of VNA and COO, a research based on four different video types was conducted in Germany. The advertised product was a French perfume, as French cosmetics are well-acknowledged by Germans, and therefore provide a relevant country of origin and product link. In this study, the role of VNA on attitude towards the brand and consumer’s positive emotions, as well as the effect of COO on the consumer’s willingness to spend more was explored. Furthermore, it was investigated, whether a combination of VNA and COO would increase consumer’s attitude towards the brand, consumer’s positive emotions and willingness to spend more. Results showed that stories in video advertisements generate a more favourable attitude towards the brand and increase consumer’s positive emotions. There was no effect of COO on the consumer’s willingness to spend more on the product and no interaction effect between VNA and COO. Furthermore, results indicate that consumers prefer stories in video advertisements and perceive it as more natural, comprehensible and attractive. In conclusion marketers are advised to use stories as they are more convincing.
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