Bewoners in beweging. Een onderzoek naar effectieve prikkels en strategieën die Waterschap Aa en Maas kan inzetten om het gedrag van inwoners te beïnvloeden en zo klimaatadaptief te handelen te bevorderen

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Climate change is getting more and more attention in the Netherlands. Governments are aware of the problem and are taking measures in the public space to reduce the impact of the consequences of climate change. The awareness amongst citizens and the willingness to act climate adaptively is not that high. Governments want to know how citizens can get more involved in seeking solutions and to also take their part in the problem of climate change. This study presents a research into the incentives and strategies that waterboard Aa en Maas can use to influence the behavior of citizens to act climate adaptively. It focusses on which incentives and strategies can be used to stimulate citizens to disconnect their rain pipes and to infiltrate rainwater in their own garden. Both spatial planning literature and behavioral theories are used as a theoretical framework to understand why people behave as they do and how to influence their behavior. A combination of expert and citizen interviews (qualitative) and a survey (quantitative) has been used to gather data. After analyzing the data, recommendations for further research and practical recommendations for the waterboard are made.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen