Een cross-cultureel onderzoek dat het effect van mate van verbale verankering en tolerantie van ambiguïteit meet op de herkenning van kernwaarden en attitude ten opzichte van logos.

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Logos are seen as essential tools in communicating the corporate identity (Van Riel, 2001; Hynes, 2008). The current cross-cultural study examined the effects of the degree of verbal anchoring and tolerance of ambiguity on the recognition of core values in logos and the attitudes towards the logos. A 3x2 between-subjects design was used to examine the differences between Belgian and Dutch students in terms of their logo response after being exposed to a certain degree of verbal anchoring. Three degrees of verbal anchoring were created: a version with only the logo (no verbal anchoring), a version with the logo and a headline (a moderate amount of verbal anchoring) and a version with the logo, a headline and a slogan (a complete amount of verbal anchoring). Results indicated that the participants did not often come up with the core values in an open ended question. However, after asking the participants if the core values fitted the logo, participants with the complete amount of verbal anchoring found most core values more suitable than participants with no or a moderate amount of verbal anchoring. In addition, the Belgians were found to have a better attitude towards the logos than the Dutch.
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