Assessing Oral English Language Proficiency Skills in Language Learners.

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Abstract (in the same language as your Master's thesis) In this thesis, I will focus on NovoLanguage, a CALL system whose target audience is very specific. NovoLanguage is specifically designed for hotel workers who wish to improve their oral English proficiency related to the hospitality sector in order to have better conversational skills in their day to day work situations. This thesis tests the effectiveness of NovoLanguage in improving oral proficiency skills after three months’ use of the software. Measuring the effectiveness of NovoLanguage presents another challenge: finding a way to obtain quantitative scores from the qualitative analysis of the participants’ speech. To this end, this thesis will also describe the procedure of creating a suitable scoring matrix based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). In order to test progress, 35 hotel staff were interviewed before and after the 3-month period using the scoring matrix created beforehand.
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