Team learning behaviour in a self-managing work team

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Organisations developed a growing interest in the implementation of self-managing work teams. But why? Several scholars argue that self-managing work teams have a higher learning potential and therefore contribute to the realisation of a learning organization. In a learning organisation individual-, team- and organisational learning are facilitated and connected. This case study focusses specifically on team learning. Qualitative data is collected in the case team, which is team “Planning” in a Youth Child Care organisation in the public sector, by conducting semi-structured interviews and participative observations. The empirical data increases insights on the relations between self-managing work team characteristics and team learning behaviour. From the results of the study can be concluded that several self-managing characteristics foster team learning behaviour in the case team. A high level of decision-making authority, a coaching and facilitating role of the manager and the ability to plan and watch over de process progress fosters team learning behaviour in the case team. This explorative case study can be used as a starting point for future research on the relation between the two concepts.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen