"New homes wanted: but first we need plans An analysis on the factors influencing the planning time from plan initiative until approval"

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The housing demand in the Netherlands has risen sharply, however the housing supply can not reach that level. This has led to a housing shortage of 331.000. Plots are available when housing plan initiatives are approved. If and at what time these plans will be approved is dependent on multiple factors that deserve to be researched more in-depth. Three categories of possible factors are investigated in this research, characteristics of the developer, the local residents and the site of a plan. To test theories on their practical impact, an existing data set is used, namely a Dutch inventory to track the plan capacity. Based on this dataset, a survival analysis is set up in which these characteristics are tested on their planning time from plan initiative until plan approval. The analysis showed significant results. Inner-city located plans took significantly longer to become approved than outer-city located plans. The results on local resident and developer influence were a little more ambiguous. For that reason, it seems necessary to perform further research on the influences of local residents and developers at the Dutch housing market. To tackle housing problems and perform further research, a national monitoring format on plan capacity could help.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen