Effects of sensory language on the experience of food.

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The consumption of unhealthy foods on a large scale leads to health issues in children and adults, but existing food preferences may hinder the necessary changes in food selection. Changing beliefs about the tastiness of healthier food options may be achievable through language interventions. This study aims to explore the effect of sensory language on the experience of food, as a replication of existing research but in an online setting and with a focus on implicit (as opposed to explicit) measures. Three versions of a restaurant menu were designed, with either sensory, health-focused or neutral language. An online questionnaire with a survey-based IAT and a word fragment completion task was developed, measuring implicit associations, food-related cognitions and food desire (self-reported) and distributed among participants (N = 112). Unfortunately, none of the hypotheses were supported by the results, showing no significant effects of the description type on the implicit associations, food-related cognitions or food desire, nor a mediating effect of implicit associations or food-related cognitions. Nevertheless, this study shows that there are many possibilities for future research when using implicit measures and an online setting.
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