Measuring relationship quality of general practitioners affiliated to VieCuri

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High work pressure is experienced in the Dutch healthcare system, especially in these times of the COVID-19 virus. More and more often, different healthcare providers are expected to work together to provide high-quality care for what care is all about, the patient. Therefore, the relationship between stakeholders needs to be optimised and intensified to create a higher value for the patient. One of these interrelationships is the relationship between the general practitioner and the hospital. This relationship is also the context examined in this thesis. This research concerns a study within VieCuri, a top clinical hospital located in the north of Limburg. VieCuri wants to improve its service and invest in the relationship between the affiliated general practitioners and the hospital. So far, there is little to no insight regarding the current quality of the relationship that the general practitioners experience with VieCuri. To provide VieCuri with this insight, the following research question is addressed: What is the current level of Relationship Quality that affiliated general practitioners experience towards VieCuri? Insight is gained around the theory of relationship quality and service quality. After a thorough literature review on these topics, it turned out that there was no suitable questionnaire to match the context of this research. Therefore, a new scale is developed focused on this relationship between the two parties to ultimately improve its services. In developing the questionnaire, the following research question is addressed: How can the relationship quality that affiliated general practitioners experience with VieCuri be measured reliably and validly? However, due to the COVID-19 virus, it was not possible to collect and analyse data with this newly developed scale, to ultimately perform a baseline measurement on the relationship quality affiliated general practitioners experience with VieCuri. This research was, therefore limited to the development of a questionnaire, using Churchill's method. Churchill's technique was supportive of drawing up the questionnaire. However, to ultimately purify the measurement scale and test for reliability and validity, data collection is needed. Therefore, when time is right, the questionnaire needs to be carried out by VieCuri and data needs to be collected. With these obtained data, the current state of relationship quality can be determined. VieCuri may utilise these data to optimise its quality of service towards the general practitioners to ultimately improve the relationship quality. VieCuri would like to eventually remove the obstacles out of this relationship and focus on a healthy relationship with the affiliated general practitioners. The developed questionnaire offers a good grip and can be used several times in future research into the relationship quality experienced by general practitioners.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen