Impact of Hub-Bypass on TNCs and Regional Economy: Case Study of Japanese Route in North Rhine-Westphalia

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This thesis aims to elucidate the economic impact by the air transport hub-bypass network. Hub-bypass is a that air network bypasses major hubs to reduce transport time and achieve seamless connection. A hub-bypass between Dusseldorf - Tokyo with Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) regional economy was investigated as a case study. The first part pursues to grasp the global trend of hub-bypass, revealing that hub-bypass will continue to be increased due to the recent changes of structural factors: economic, business, institutional, and technical dimensions. The second main part questions what is the impact of the hub-bypass on the NRW regional economy and why does it happen. The behavior of Japanese companies was observed as the main players influenced by the hub-bypass flight from expert interviews, user surveys, and data analysis. Location theory and accessibility are the core concepts to interpret the results. In the case of NRW, the infrastructure is sufficiently developed, and alternative transports are already available, thus, hub-bypass cuts only a limited amount of transport time. However, the hub-bypass flight is still significant to retain existing companies in NRW to compete with other rival cities. Increased accessibility by hub-bypass indirectly causes the catalytic impact on the regional economy.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen