Exploring the differences between first and second languages among balanced bilinguals: emotional responses and the role of autobiographical memory of bullying experiences.

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The thesis examined the role of autobiographical experiences regarding reactions to bullying sentences within Dutch-Turkish balanced bilinguals. It was hypothesized that if a negative experience had occurred in Dutch, then Dutch bullying sentences would elicit stronger emotional responses. Turkish-Dutch balanced bilinguals were presented negative, neutral and positive sentences in Turkish and Dutch. Self-reported emotional responses were recorded. Participants completed the LEAP-questionnaire and the amended Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire. The findings did not highlight significant differences between the Bullied and Non-bullied groups. Negative sentences were rated more negatively compared to the neutral sentences in both languages, but the difference was more pronounced in Turkish. The neutral sentences were rated faster than the negative sentences. Turkish neutral sentences were rated faster than the Dutch neutral sentences. This study did not support previous findings: previous negative experiences did not affect the perception of negative sentences between the languages. However, the neutral sentences exhibited differences.
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