Analyzing corporate social responsibility contributions to sustainable development in Kenya. A case study fo Lake Turkana Wind Power project

dc.contributor.advisorAnyango-Van Zwieten, N
dc.contributor.authorMeijer, Hanneke
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesis is to analyze whether Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives could contribute to Sustainable Development (SD) through case study research of the proposed case of Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP), the biggest wind farm in Africa. Exploring drivers for CSR, the importance of stakeholders, CSR approaches, and challenges to CSR, to assure that sustainable development is being safeguarded in LTWP’s activities. This insight provides a deeper understanding of CSR and sustainable development, and their interaction. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the successful contribution of CSR to SD relies on certain drivers: accountability, ethical consideration, and philosophical orientation in regard to sustainable development. Discussion points of this research state that SD can be seen as the macro-level of the organization’s sustainability efforts, and CSR initiatives could fill in the micro-level business efforts as a sort of the first layer.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationGlobal Environment and Sustainabilityen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeMaster Environment and Society Studiesen_US
dc.titleAnalyzing corporate social responsibility contributions to sustainable development in Kenya. A case study fo Lake Turkana Wind Power projecten_US
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