the badmand and the good woman

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Before you lies my thesis “The Bad Man and the Good Woman: The Invisibility of Female Perpetrators in Criminal War Tribunals”, a research on the ways in which criminal tribunals as transitional justice mechanism are gendered. It has been written to finish my Master’s in Political Science at the Radboud University Nijmegen. This project was undertaken because I gained a lot of interest in criminal war tribunals when I received all original copies of ‘The Trial of German Major War Criminals: Proceedings of the International Military Tribunal sitting at Nuremberg Germany’ from an acquaintance. And after reading much literature on transitional justice processes during the master’s course Political & Geographical Conflict Resolution, I noticed several critiques on these processes. One of these critiques was that transitional justice mechanisms, including criminal tribunals, recognize men solely as perpetrators and women as victims, which leads to the invisibility of female perpetrators of war crimes. Because empirical evidence on this topic was lacking, I took the opportunity to study this matter, focusing specifically on the ICTY and ICTR, and enrich existing studies on gender and transitional justice. The research was challenging, but the analysis has allowed me to answer if, and in what ways tribunals are gendered. I would like to thank my supervisor for her excellent guidance during this process. To my friends and family: I would like to thank you for all your wonderful support as well. E. Klem deserves a special word of thanks for converting several important document files, so that they could be examined. Mariska
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen