Changes in Dutch land policy : New ways to finance the public space : How foreign land policies give insights in the Dutch possibilities. A study of different forms of land policy and different ways to finance the Dutch public space
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During the past couple of years the Dutch government and the municipalities in particularly, have to
cope with increasing problems on the housing market (Segeren, 2007). The crisis on the property market
is far from over, and this affects not only the property owners but also the municipalities. How is this
property and land market organized in the Netherlands? Is there another way to arrange this market,
and might another way be a better, more effective way? This study will give an overview of the land
policies in three different countries and will compare these policies to the Dutch policy; this study will
focus on the way of financing the public space in particular.
The main problems the Dutch municipalities have to cope with, have arisen since the eighties and have
been aggravated in the last ten years (Buitelaar, 2010). Municipalities have bought land from farmers
and other land owners during the economic growth (Priemus and Louw, 2003; de Greef 2003), but since
the recession there is no one to sell the land to. Therefore profits are no longer made, and the public
space cannot longer be financed by the policy of active land policy (Van der Krabben, personal
communication, June 29, 2012).
The addressed problems on the Dutch land policy led to the main question of this thesis:
How can the Dutch land use policy be changed and adapted to the current economic situation by studying
Spanish, German and British land use models, in order to cope with the Dutch problem of financing the
public space?
This main question will help to fulfill the goal of this thesis: Contribute to the solution of the financing
problem of the public space in the Netherlands by studying the Spanish, German and British way of
financing the public space and eventually advice on possible implementations of the three foreign models
into the Dutch land policy
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen