Expected roles of citizens and government. Urban greening practices in Arnhem

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This thesis concentrates on urban greening practices in Arnhem, the first city government that presented a climate action plan to adapt to the impacts of climate change, with special focus on the increase of urban greening. As governmental action against climate change is not enough, they aim for citizen participation in the greening domain. With social practice theory and the four modes of urban climate governance as a fundament, this thesis shows what influence the use of policy instruments has on the urban greening practice of the citizens. Next to that, attention is paid to governments’ and citizens’ expectations of their role division in achieving a greener city. Climate adaptation policy urges the policymakers to become more creative and flexible, which offers room for new perspectives. Citizens become more active practitioners in the public space, whereby government and citizens are still getting used to their ‘new’ role division with the government as facilitating actor. This thesis shows that the available skills and competences in citizen initiatives are underestimated, and that validation of the government is important for citizen participation. A fifth mode of governance is proposed whereby the government takes on the role of inspirer.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen