The effectiveness of implicit and explicit COO strategies in advertising.

dc.contributor.advisorMeurs, W.F.J. van
dc.contributor.advisorGiesbers, H.W.M.
dc.contributor.authorBoogaard, L.J.
dc.description.abstractCountry of origin (COO) markers in advertising are those elements that mark the country of origin of the advertised product. Previous research has shown that COO markers are able to influence the perception of the consumer and previous studies have distinguished different strategies for marking the COO of a product. The aim of the present study was to determine if there are differences in effectiveness between implicit and explicit COO markers. Based on a 5x3 mixed design, the differences in effect on the attitude towards the product, attitude towards the advertisement, perceived product quality, purchase intention and link between the COO marker and the COO were analyzed. A pre-test was carried out to select COO pictures and company names for the different products. Results suggest that the use of an explicit COO marker might be more effective when the link between the product and the COO is not very clear to the consumer.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Letterenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationInternational Business Communicationen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeBachelor Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappenen_US
dc.titleThe effectiveness of implicit and explicit COO strategies in advertising.en_US
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