Effects of advertisement’s language choice, generation and consumer’s level of acculturation in ethnic marketing to Turks in the Netherlands.

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Due to growing market power of ethnic minorities, businesses feel the need to identify the opportunities arise when advertising to this group. However, a great uncertainty remains as to which language to use when advertising to ethnic minorities (Advertising Age, 1991). Previous studies in the United States found a preference for Spanish in advertising among low acculturated Hispanics and a preference for English among high acculturated Hispanics (Beniflah, Chatterjee & Kerry, 2014; Burton & Yang, 2016; Graham, 2002; Ueltschy & Krampf, 1997). Yet, no similar studies have been performed outside the United States among ethnic minorities. The current study is the first to investigate the effects of language choice (Dutch or Turkish), level of acculturation, and generation on ad evaluations by Dutch Turks in the Netherlands. An experiment was conducted and employed an online advertisement setting consisting of all-Dutch or all-Turkish advertisements. Participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire about the advertisements, their level of acculturation, and their generation of immigrancy. The findings of the current research indicate that language and acculturation do not play a role in the evaluation of language choice in ethnic marketing. However, generation does have an effect on the impact of language regarding consumers’ attitude towards products and services. This study concludes that ethnicity by itself is not a good predictor of language preferences in advertising to Dutch Turks. Future research might explore the validity of the current study by including a larger sample. In addition, reliable scales regarding acculturation measurements could provide future research with more solid insights.
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